Outsiders Mitsubishi & Chubu nemen Eneco over; favorieten Shell en Rabobank gepasseerd

De Japanse bedrijven Mitsubishi en Chubu nemen Eneco over voor 4,1 miljard euro. Hun bod was ruim hoger dan dat van Shell resp. PGGM en Rabobank. De hoogte van het overnamebedrag betekent goed nieuws voor de 44 gemeenten die aandeelhouders zijn van Eneco, want de Japanners betalen ruim 1 miljard euro boven de geschatte marktwaarde. Mitsubishi verwerft 80% van de aandelen, Chubu 20%. Er komt geen bank aan te pas; ze financieren de overname uit eigen middelen. De Rotterdamse wethouder Van Gils was voorzitter van het aandeelhouderscomité van gemeenten. Rotterdam is de grootste aandeelhouder van Eneco, met 31,69 van de aandelen ontvangt het circa 1,3 miljard. Ruud Sondag vertrekt als CEO, en wordt senior adviseur. Hij wordt opgevolgd door een Nederlandse CEO. Mitsubishi en Chubu zullen verder volop inzetten op duurzame energie. Voor werknemers van Eneco verandert er niets; de arbeidsvoorwaarden blijven gelijk.
Hier het engelstalig persbericht van de site van Eneco: Overname Eneco
'Eneco strengthens its sustainable course and further expands internationally with a consortium led by Mitsubishi Corporation as new shareholder
Shareholders' committee and Eneco reach agreement with a consortium of Mitsubishi Corporation and Chubu on an offer for Eneco for a value of EUR 4.1 billion.
At 12.00 pm we will organise a press conference, for journalists only, at our Head Quarters at Marten Meesweg 5, in Rotterdam. Arjan van Gils, chairman of the Shareholder Committee; Ruud Sondag, CEO Eneco, and Hiroshi Sakuma, advisor to the president & CEO van Mitsubishi Corporation, and representative of the consortium of Chubu and Mitsubishi Corporation.
Highlights of the agreement:
The shareholders' committee, Eneco and a consortium led by Mitsubishi Corporation have reached an agreement on the proposed sale of all shares in Eneco for a total equity value of EUR 4.1 billion
The consortium has made the best offer for the shareholders and all other stakeholders of Eneco, including its employees, with the best terms and conditions including price and deal certainty
Mitsubishi Corporation (80%) and Chubu (20%) will fund the proposed transaction fully by using existing cash resources
Mitsubishi Corporation and Chubu are shareholders with a long-term horizon and are in full support of strengthening Eneco's sustainable strategy
The consortium will further expand the business of Eneco internationally:
Eneco will become the European centre for all energy-related activities of Mitsubishi Corporation, a global enterprise with great ambitions in the area of energy transition, and Chubu, the 3rd largest Japanese energy company with about 10.2 million retail customer contracts and focussed on non-fossil energy sources
Mitsubishi Corporation plans to transfer part of its offshore wind activities (more than 400 megawatt) to Eneco
Eneco remains intact as an integrated and independent Dutch energy company:
the brands of Eneco, its corporate culture and corporate identity remain unchanged
the employment and employment conditions remain unchanged
the head office of Eneco remains in Rotterdam
Eneco's credit profile (currently BBB+ under S&P) is expected to benefit from the financial strength of the new shareholders
Ruud Sondag will resign as CEO upon completion of the proposed transaction and will remain as senior adviser. He will be succeeded by a Dutch CEO
Eneco Chief Customer Officer Hans Peters and a representative of Mitsubishi Corporation (to be announced) will be added to the current board of management
The agreement has been entered into by the shareholders' committee. The 44 Dutch municipal shareholders will be given the opportunity to take a final decision on the sale of their shares
The agreement is supported unanimously by the board of management and supervisory board of Eneco, who consider it to be in the best interest of Eneco and all of its stakeholders
The central works council has a positive view on Mitsubishi Corporation and Chubu as future shareholders and has rendered an unconditional positive advice on the transaction
The Enterprise Chamber will be requested to terminate the inquiry proceedings
In this press release, the shareholders' committee means the committee of selling shareholders consisting of the municipalities of Rotterdam, The Hague, Dordrecht, Lansingerland, Capelle aan den IJssel, Molenlanden, Heemstede and Achtkarspelen.