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VN Agenda internationale bijeenkomsten december januari (Engels)

VN Agenda internationale bijeenkomsten december januari (Engels)

Group of Governmental Experts on Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace in the Context of International Security, First session    New York            9 - 13 December             

Human Rights Council, Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, Twenty-fifth session  Geneva              9 - 13 December         

Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, Sixtieth regular session                Bonn, Germany               9 - 10 December             

United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Board of Trustees, Thirty-third session  Geneva           9 - 13 December         

.Independent Audit Advisory Committee, forty-eighth session               New York  10 - 13 December     

UNEP, Committee of Permanent Representatives, 148th meeting Nairobi 10 December           

United Nations Board of Auditors, Forty-ninth special session  Bonn, Germany               10 December   

IFAD, Executive Board, 128th session    Rome    11 - 12 December           

Independent Audit Advisory Committee, Forty-eighth session                New York  11 - 13 December     

Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, Thirty-eighth session  Geneva  11 - 13 December       

Commission on Narcotic Drugs and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Joint meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, reconvened sixty-second session, and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, reconvened twenty-eighth session  Vienna 12 December         

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Reconvened twenty-eighth session  Vienna13 December        

Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Reconvened sixty-second session         Vienna 13 December   

Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Eighth session Abu Dhabi 16 - 20 December         

Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Implementation Review Group of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Second part of the resumed tenth session Abu Dhabi        16 - 17 December         

Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, Election of the bureau  New York 16 December  Venue From-To  

Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, Election of the bureau  New York  16 December    

Human Rights Council, Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, Seventeenth session Geneva  16 - 20 December             

Military Staff Committee, 2020 meetings - 10 January (once every fortnight thereafter)             New YorkIn continuous session

Committee on the Rights of the Child, Eighty-third session Geneva  13 - 31 January      

Group of Governmental Experts on problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus, First session     New York 13 - 17 January           

UN-Women, Executive Board, Election of Bureau  New York 14 January             

UNICEF, Executive Board, Election of Bureau (1 meeting) New York 14 January              

Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, Regular session New York 20 - 29 January   

Human Rights Council, Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, Thirty-fifth session Geneva 20 - 31 January 

UNCITRAL, Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform), Thirty-ninth session            New York 20 - 24 January               

UNCTAD, Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget, Seventy-ninth session         Geneva                20 - 22 January 

Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-Owned Equipment New York            20 - 31 January 

Conference on Disarmament, First part               Geneva               In continuous session  

Human Rights Council, Working Group on discrimination against women and girls, Twenty seventh session      New York 27 - 31 January         

Human Rights Council, Working Group on Situations, Twenty-fifth session        Geneva               27 - 31 January 

.Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters, Seventy-third session Geneva 29 - 31 January         

Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Fifty-second session            New York In continuous session             

.Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, Winter session New York   In continuous session  

Committee for the United Nations Population Award, Organizational meeting    New York January

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